Online Training

Asbestos Awareness – Online

This online course provides the student with a good overview of the risks, and the controls associated with the exposure to airborne asbestos fibres when working in […]
Standard: 2138 L2 C1 V5
$115 + GST per person
4 Hours maximum

Common Permit to Work Refresher – Online

This online course provides students with an update on current best practice for CPTW and opportunity to confirm continued competency in completion of permits. Delivered following the […]
$195 + GST per person
Work at your own pace

Competency Requirements for Certified Handler (Digital Delivery)

This course provides students with an understanding of the legislation under which they become certified handlers and their legal roles and obligations under that legislation, should they […]
Standard: 31291 L5 C6 V1
$340 + GST per person
work at your own pace

Fire and Emergency Warden in the Workplace – Online

This course is also available online. It consists of online learning modules that you work through at your own pace. At the very end of the course […]
Standard: 18408 L3 C3 V6
$165 + GST per person
Work at your own pace

Gas Testing – Refresher Online

This course allows experienced gas testers to update their knowledge of gas and atmospheric testing equipment and demonstrate current competency in gas testing and recording results.  
$195 + GST per person
Work at your own pace

Health and Safety Representative – Online

This online course provides students with foundation information that will develop and enhance skills and knowledge as a Health and Safety Representative in the workplace.
Standard: 29315 L3 C2 V1
$270 + GST per person
Work at your own pace

Health and Safety Risk Assessment – Online

This online course provides students with knowledge of the principles of risk assessment and the skills required to identify hazards, assess risks and identify control and monitoring […]
Standard: 30265 L3 C8 V2
$270 + GST per person
Work at your own pace

Health and Safety Risk Assessment Refresher -Online

This online course provides students with an update on risk assessment principles including the knowledge and skills required to identify hazards, assess risks and identify controls for […]
$120 + GST per person
Work at your own pace

Manual Handling Awareness – Online

This course is suitable for all workers who require the basic understanding of manual handling of materials, goods, products and equipment in the workplace.
$115 + GST per person
Between 1 and 4 hours

Mercury Awareness – Online

This course provides students with an overview of the risks and controls associated with mercury.
$59 + GST per person
Between 1 and 4 hours

Permit to Work Issuer – Online

Provide students with the knowledge to explain work permit procedures and requirements; ensure the need for a work permit is properly identified and the worksite is prepared […]
Standard: 17590 L3 C6 V7
$270 + GST per person

Permit to Work Receiver – Refresher (Online)

This course provide students with an update on current best practice for permit receiver and an opportunity to demonstrate continued competency in completion of permits.
$195 + GST per person
Work at your own pace

Plan a Confined Space Entry Refresher – Online

This online course provide students with an update on good practice for confined space and opportunity to demonstrate continued competency in planning for confined space entry.
$195 + GST per person
Work at your own pace

Safety Observer – Online

This online course provides students with an understanding of the work, activities and hazardous environments requiring a Safety Observer to control, monitor and maintain safety.  This includes Safety […]
Standard: 17596 L3 C8 V6
$270 + GST per person
Work at your own pace

Silicosis Awareness – Online

This online course provides students with an overview of the risks and controls associated with silicosis.
$59 + GST per person
Between 1 and 4 hours

Static Electricity Awareness – Online

The online course provides students with the knowledge to identify how static may occur and how to prevent it.
$59 + GST per person
Between 1 and 4 hours.

Working at Heights Safely – Online  

Provides students with knowledge of legislative requirements for working at heights as well as an understanding of industry best practice for a variety of height-related systems including […]
Standard: Unit Standard 17600 L3 C3 V7
$85 + GST per person
3 hours (minimum) plus time for assessment.

Working with Hazardous Substances Competent Person (Digital Delivery)

This course provides students with the knowledge to be a competent person in the safe handling, storage, and disposal of workplace hazardous substances as well as an […]
Standard: 31290 L4 C6 V1
$340 + GST per person
work at your own pace

Workplace Safety Essentials – Online

This course provides students with knowledge of basic workplace safety, an understanding of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and the skills needed to then […]
Standard: 497 L1 C3 V10
$125 + GST per person
Less than 5 hours.

Workplace Safety Plus – Online

This online course provides students with knowledge of basic work- place safety, an understanding of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and the skills needed […]
Standard: 497 L1 C3 V10, 17593 L2 C4 V6 and Job Safety Analysis
$270 + GST per person
Work at your own pace

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